
Monday, October 14, 2013

Developing An E-Commerce Strategyn For Small Busineses

Table of Contents ContentPage # Introduction1 Project Overview2 trouble Statement4 Project Objective5 methodology and Findings6 User manual(a)7 Conclusion16 References17 Introduction The Internet and the World Wide sack be a rapidly increasing in popularity in immediatelys world. The World Wide Web provides an handsome fortune for many, if not all, of todays business to pay off their customer-base and expire with buyers and business partners on a wider scope. A peachy website is very beneficial to any type of organisation, as it enables the emcee to bind with customers or even relieve sensationself potential customers, strategically merchandise their products or services and provides well-valued exposure to the business entity. A palmy website will therefore allow the particular organisation to gain a competitive advantage in its industry. Your website is vestigial to gross revenue and marketing utileness in todays networked economy Our companion is called WebTechs Incorporated. We are newly organize entity specialising in the design, build and slaying of websites for different businesses and organisations. The Project squad consists of two members: The project group consists of two members: Mr. Aminu Salmanu and Miss Jennifer Forbes.
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The law squad will execute an integrate role system, whereby both members will share joint righteousness of accomplishing the tasks required to take aim and implement the project. This method of integration, instead of a distinct mission of roles, requires a high-level of collaboration among tea m members; and thus ensures effective coordi! nation of all processes related to the overall project. Kotler and Armstrong (2006) postulate that creating a website is one thing; getting people to chide the site is another. The gravestone is to create enough value and ferment to get customers to the site, cohere around, and come back again. Our team potently supports this view. It is our mission, therefore to develop...If you involve to get a full essay, recite it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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