
Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Running head : SOCIOLOGY LABORATORY REPORT Sociology lab treat : abroad natural Percentage and black-and-blue operate PercentageMaddyWriterAbstractThe nonnative population of the United States exceeded 33 million in 2002 , neighboring to more than the entire population of Canada , according to the U .S . government issue Bureau s latest the Statesn Community Survey (ACS . Of the 44 share of the nation s population growth in 2002 . A majority of the contrasted-innate(p) residents live in four states : atomic issuing 20 (28 part , tender York (11 .8 percent , Texas (9 .8 percent ) and Florida (8 .9 percent . In bleak York City , utter John H . Mollenkopf , a demographer at the City University of reinvigorated York , 43 percent of the residents are foreign born and another 9 .2 percent are the children of two fore ign-born parents . In 1900 , prof Mollenkopf said , barely 23 percent of saucily Yorkers had native parentsSociology Laboratory Report : Foreign Born Percentage and etiolate Race PercentageThe statistical info for two metropolitan worlds , the undischarged bracing York area and the greater Los Angeles neighborhood or Southland , pass on be discussed in this report . The great novel York metropolitan area is composed of mod York , New Jersey , and commodious Island . The Greater Los Angeles theatre is composed of Long Beach , Los Angeles , and Santa Ana . The departure of the 1965 in-migration and Nationality Amendments led to a surge in immigration to New York City and a decline in the share of European immigrants . While the impact of the post-1965 flow of immigrants from the Caribbean , Asia , and Latin America was ab initio felt in New York City , these immigrants render flat established a major presence in the wider New York metropolitan regionForeign Born i n the Greater New York Area : 1960-2000The p! ercentage of the foreign-born variable for the Greater New York Area has markedly increased over the period of 1960-1970 .
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there is a remarked increase that can be seen for the component areas of the Greater New York Area as can be seen from a equality of the two images belowFigure SEQ Figure \ ARABIC 1 . Foreign Born Percentage 1960 (Left and Foreign Born Percentage 1970 (Right . informant (c ) 2006 SocialExplorer .comPercentage of stack Belonging to the sportsmanlike Race in the Greater New York Area : 1960-2000Remarkably , there are a roundabout of changes in the percentage of people belonging to the White racecour se who lives in the metropolitan area of Greater New York from 1960-2000 . thither is a steady decrease as one goes from the division 1960-2000 . This is , in general , inversely proportional to the percentage of foreign born in the said metropolitan area . all the same the White race remained to be the majority in cost of number . The statistical maps for the percentage of people belonging to the White race are presented as follows . It is to be noted that the only data taken for the year 1980 , 1990 , and 2000 is the Non-Hispanic White . For the years 1960 and 1970 , it was not indicated at SocialExplorer .com as to whether it is Hispanic and...If you want to get a fully essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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