
Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Price Of Arrogance (The Crucible)

The Price of Arrogance Regardless of theological stance, most ar aware of the existence of the seven deadly sins. These sins are considered the foundation for a multitude of sins, all of which branch from seven canonic wrongs: greed, envy, wrath, lust, sloth, gluttony, and, peradventure the worst of all, pride. Arrogance and pride are non of extremity the same thing. Pride can be arrogant in nature but, as The Crucible reveals, it can also be a saving grace should the proper motives be queer it. Arrogance in pride has the potential to ruin a mans integrity, destroy his life, and even drive a settlement to insanity. Salem experiences all of the previous and more because of the self-assertion of those involved in the Salem Witch Trials. Nathan unharmed is unmatchable of the few men involved in the trials who had potential to breed its tragedies from ever occurring. When Reverend scuff was summoned to Salem, he was quick to allow his extensive dealing with witchcraft be known. Though he is more a man of God than Parris, he is not without his faults, and his faults will prove fatal. Hale carries a number of boastful books when he enters Salem, giving the impression that he is prepared for what he will encounter. The entirely thing that he was prepared to do was add more glory to his name.
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The fits of the girls, led by Abigail Williams, allowed Hale to easily be beguiled and manipulated, using his authority to outfit that all who the girls felt had wronged them would be punished. Hales senses honorarium to him all but too late as the trials decry those who are clearly inn ocent to a Satanists death. Danforth is a m! an of high esteem in florists chrysanthemum at the time period in which The Crucible is set. If governance acquire taught us anything throughout history, its that men who live with power tend to abuse it; Danforth is no exception. Keeping a record of how many he has sentenced to hang, Danforth makes it clear that he is only if interested in one thing: the furthering of his career and maintaining his...If you lack to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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