
Sunday, October 20, 2013

The tibetian book of the dead

The Tibetian Book of the Dead In the film, The Tibetian Book of the Dead it taught us galore(postnominal) things about how their holiness works and what they cogitate the process of shade and death is. They cerebrate that before you even entertain it to the future tense you must go through a journey, and during this journey the choices you serve determines what kind of later onlife you will go to. In Christianity and umpteen other pietisms determining where you go in the afterlife is severe by what role of life you lead and/or what face of God you believe in. The similarities between these two religions is the way you run determines where you go in the afterlife whether it is before or after you die. If you do good deeds then you go to a better place and in Christianity this is called heaven. But if you do no-count deeds then you go to a place of suffering. The excursion between these two is the Tibetian people have a trine option which is reincarnation. In Christianity reincarnation is a very blunt subject and is disputed by many another(prenominal) people whether they believe in it or not. Another battle between the Tibetian religion and Christianity is the different types of rituals that they have. The Tibetian people have very distinct ways of praying such as how they move when they pray.
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But in Christianity in that location is not a set time, place or roiled way that you must pray. Many people bow their heads and tapered their eyes when they pray but this is just out of open but not mandatory. In the movie, when a family member or friend was dec ease they gathered around their bedside and ! cried and mourned very loudly. In our culture when person dies we usually do not front as oft emotion as they do. Sometimes it clear be looked upon as good if someone can detainment their raise up when they have someone close to them who is dying or has died. It can be looked as unusual if someone shows to much emotion at a funeral or in the charge or someone dying. There are many similarities and difference between...If you want to get a full essay, ready it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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