Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Blacks The Toys Of Police Officers - 1160 Words
Blacks: The Toys of Police Officers Justice is defined as rules that should be applied regardless of your race, ethnicity, and religion. The criminal justice system has always been harsh and unfair toward Black people. Even though slavery was abolished, Black people are seen as the lowest race in the U.S which is totally abnormal. A lot of Black People were killed, but Justice has been mute and blind against Black people. Black Americans cannot walk freely in the streets without fearing that they will be the next target of police officers Black American are being oppressed by both Whites and police officers. There is no justice in the U.S for Black people because they are humiliated, tortured, and killed by police who are acquitted of their crimes. Freddie Gray’s case is the first example that Black Americans are being tortured, and killed by police officers. The United States of America was built by Black slaves, so it is senseless for the government to kill them for just no reason. Even though this country was built on their backs, and their blood fertilizers of the entire country, they are still enduring discrimination. Gray was one of the victims of racism that died in the police custody. His skin’s color was the reason of Gray’s death. . Being Black was a mistake, so the whole police department consider them as their principal target. They freely tortured and walk away with no punishment . Gray died in the police custody with painsShow MoreRelatedRacial Discrimination Against African Americans Essay905 Words  | 4 Pageson in America. Police have been chastised for discriminating against African Americans. Homosexuals and other members of the LGBT community are being discriminated against for being who they are. As Americas economy stays at a lower status classism seems to rise as well. America seems to be on the verge of an enlightenment period of equality. 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