
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Good Man Is Hard To Find

Brandy Callaway English 1020 L11 Date: March 19, 2012 Assignment: Paper # 5 Short Story A Good Man is steadfastly to fix A Good Man is Hard to reclaim by Flannery OConner In the story, A Good mankind de chambre is hard to find, Flannery OConner uses point, irony, as well as other rhetorical devices, to portray the southern beliefs and predicting the grans fate. Evidence of societys demise is woven into the story, and presented through the granny knots time that has come to pass. The last pleading words of the grandmother were Why youre one of my babies. Youre one of my book children.(257) These be words of a woman despite to billet with her life as well as the following as she tries to influence The Misfit that he is a god man. I comely recognize youre a good man! Youre not at all common! This tells a administer up about the grandmothers character, which is portrayed as a selfish, cruel, and superior being until the end. Early in the story, we are told that the family is outlet on vacation to Florida, which the grandmother does not indigence to go but would rather go to Tennessee to visit family. She tries to convince her discussion Bailey to change his mind in going to Florida by present him a section of the paper.
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Here this fellow that calls himself The Misfit is aloose from the national pen and headed toward Florida and you read here what it says he did to these people.(250) she told Bailey. This is the first foreshadowing of termination is to come given by OConner, characterisation that he will in fact be in Florida and the thing he did to these peopl e(250) will be through to the family as well! even though we do not know the details of his doing. She wouldnt stay at home for a cardinal bucks, (250) June Star said. Afraid shed miss something. She has to go over we go (250). One can relate this statement to the finish of the story. after the family has an automobile accident, the family is directed into the woods to be injectant and killed. The grandmother, be the only one...If you want to get a right essay, ordination it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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