
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Psycology Appendix D

Axia College Material |Psychodynamic |Behavioral |Cognitive | |Summary of |This type of salute brings opened past conflicts and|This type of onrush is built on the prefatorial processes of |This type of approach teaches people to think in a to a greater extent | |Approach | unimaginable impulses from a state of insensibility into| acquirement, like reinforcement and liquidation; it also |adaptive itinerary by changing their dysfunctional cognitions | | |the conscious state. By doing this the enduring can deal |assumes that chance variable and supernormal airs are two |about the land and themselves. In this approach on that point is | | |with the problems more effectively. This approach deals |learned appearances. If a persons behavior is abnormal it |a cognitive behavioral approach that incorporates prefatory | | |with Freuds psychoanalytic approach to personality, which|is because that person has failed to learn the concepts |principles of learning to potpourri the way people think. | | |says that people employ demurrer mechanisms to defend |they need to cope with that problem. In this approach |Rational- affective behavior therapy tries to restructure a | | |themselves from unacceptable unconscious impulses.
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